1820: Susan (Heron) Quinn to John Fletcher Trippe

This letter was written by Susanna (Heron) Quinn of Centreville, Maryland. Susan married her first husband, Dr. John Trippe (1771-1811), in 1796 in Dorchester County, Maryland. She married her second husband, Patrick Quinn, in 1814 in Talbot County, Maryland.

Susan wrote the letter to her son, John Fletcher Trippe (1802-1883). He married Eleanor Parritt Condit (1810-1882) in 1831.

Stampless Letter

Addressed to Mr. John F. Trippe, Easton, Talbot County, Maryland

[Centreville, Maryland]
August 14th 1820

My dear John,

Yours, honored per Mr. Economy came safe to hand, after a few minutes anxiously occupied in unrolling the expected prize. On perusing the welcomed letter I was glad to hear, or rather read, that you were about to enjoy your former health. Indeed, my son, it is a precious companion. It is far preferable to riches. I hope you will try to keep well. If you are so, you must walk as much as possible, try to get up at the dawn of light, & go as far as the point every morning. Let Mr. G. know your reason for it and he will not object to it. You cannot conceive the advantage which you would desire in a short time.

People here are uncommonly sickly. Mr. James Baynard is, to appearance, almost gone. He is extremely ill. Miss Molly Wilmer is likewise very ill. Mrs. Sherwood’s daughter Mary is very ill. Mrs. ____’s son is sick. Mr. Clark is ill, and Henry Baynard and George Medford are very ill. I am afraid people will be very sickly the approaching season.

You mentioned in your letter that you had some notion of going to camp on Sunday next, and that you would then try for Centreville. Nothing could rejoice me more than to see you here, but not for a few hours only. You would be too much fatigued to return the same day. If you could get a horse and start about daybreak and come and then stay until the same time next morning, I would indeed thank you to come. But not on condition to return the same day. I love you too dearly. I could not let you go the same day from me.

My pears open daily. I have many a mess of them. Mr. Q got his share Sunday. Said they were the best he ever saw. I wrote [your brother] William word that I should keep the basket until I went down. The towel is nicely put in the drawer. I cannot think of exposing it to the care of any person. Therefore, must beg the favor to keep it until I have the pleasure of presenting it.

I have not written to your sister [Mary Ann] lately. You must let her read this or tell her the contents. I am in a hurry and must conclude. God preserve and keep you from all impending danger is the prayers of your mother, — Susan Quinn.

Excuse this scribble. I am writing on a waiter in my lap and I have not eat my breakfast. Tuesday morn. Jenny comes with the coffee. The girls are coming down. I must quit. Write soon, if you don’t come.

I scolded [your sister] Mary Ann as you directed in your letter, but I did not let her know that you wrote to me anything about her. Don’t you say a word about it.

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